Choosing the right bean, the right roast, the right flavor notes for your business is the hardest choice when running a coffee shop. We tested a wide variety of supplier’s, both on the local and international level. As great as some of those beans were, we aways gravitated back to the Gavina Family roasters. Starting off with just two brothers over a hundred years ago, the Gavina family has provided coffee to cafe’s and restaurants for years. Going from Spain to Cuba and now the States to start their business, they have created a strong, dark but sweet and smooth bean that we are happy to carry for our customers to enjoy.

Pastries are just as important as the actual coffee and we took no shortcuts when it came to finding the right provider for ourselves. In fact, we were so impressed by the local bakeries here in San Diego that we had to partner with two so we could offer something we enjoy to all of you who visit. Once again, we are a family business and we try to stick with ither businesses who are also family orientated. That’s why our partner bakeries have exceeded our expectation in not only quality product but also quality business. Each pastry order is either picked up or delivered fresh daily and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
